The Reconstruct gradings function allows automatically reconstructing the gradings of the pieces that were digitized. To reconstruct the piece grading, complete the following steps:
Declare the size set of the model.
Set the base size wherefrom will be calculated the grading steps for the other sizes when applying the reconstruction grading function.
Make sure that, for all the similar pieces, is set the same number of main points, notches, internal points, internal lines.
Make sure that all similar pieces have the grain axis in the same direction.
Select the Reconstruct gradings function, that contains the following steps:
Step 1: Select the pieces;
Step 2: Edit grading.
After clicking on Next, the Reconstruct grading window opens – here are displayed the options for assigning the sizes.
Note! When entering the Reconstruct grading window, the sizes are automatically assigned to the pieces based on their area.
The window is split into three zones: Assign gradings, Settings and Log.
Assigngradings contains the zones:
Size list;
In the Size list are displayed the sizes from the model, and includes the following columns:
Index – the size index from the size set;
Assign – a checkbox through which is shown if a size is assigned to a certain piece;
Color – displays the grading color for a specific size;
Grade – name of the size;
Alias – displays the alias of the size.
In the Piece list are displayed the following columns:
Preview – contains a zone where is displayed the shape of the piece;
Name – is displayed the name of the piece;
Size – displays the size name of the piece.
In this list, the pieces can be arranged according to their area or based on the selection order. The Reset button cancels all the modifications.
The Settings area contains:
Warnings for the cases when:
the distance between the curves created after grading and the original ones is bigger than a certain value;
the difference between consecutive areas is more than 1%.
Curve gradings:
Use only main points – automatically grade curves – the grading will be reconstructed using only main points;
Use main and curve points – the grading is reconstructed using the main and the curve points.
Start point:
The start point can be calculated automatically, or can be used the piece’s origin point.
It contains the following areas:
If there are errors displayed, the gradings cannot be reconstructed. The Errors that are displayed regard the:
Main points – if the pieces don’t have the same number of main points;
Notches – if the pieces don’t have the same number of notches;
Internal points – if the pieces don’t have the same number of internal points;
Attached pieces – if there isn’t the same number of attached pieces;
Contour type for attached pieces – if there are different contour types for the attached pieces – Open or Closed.
If there are warnings displayed, the grading can be reconstructed. The warnings will be displayed if there are not fulfilled the following conditions:
the grain axis is missing;
the grain axis has a different position on the pieces;
there are sizes that are not assigned to the pieces;
the distance between the original contour and the newly-constructed contour exceeds the set value, 1cm;
the area between two consecutive areas exceeds the set value, 1%.
If an error message or a warning message is selected, in the Supplementary information area are explained the causes of the error, and how to solve it. To apply the grading reconstruction, click on the Reconstruct button.