The purpose of the style preview is to visualize and check the pieces that are ready to be sent to nesting. You can arrange the pieces in the preview area by clicking on the piece, and dragging. To visualize the content of the final style, you must click on the Preview Styles and Components content button. The manner in which the pieces are arranged in each style depends on the position of the pieces from the model when the style was created. All the pieces and the quantity set for them will be displayed in the Preview style window. The quantity declared for each piece is displayed by default in Preview style, placed on top of the original piece. The quantity can be placed by default at the bottom of all the original pieces, being distributed on a row.
This option can be set in the Settings with the following parameters:
Overlapped Instances unchecked – the default position of the quantity will be displayed at the bottom of the original pieces;
Overlapped Instances checked– the default position of the quantity will be displayed on top of the original piece.
Select the size for which the pieces will be displayed in Preview style from the main window, the Activity area–Base size. The model’s base size is displayed in the Preview style window.
After the window opens, you can filter the pieces from your worksheet by Model, Style or Component and Size. In the preview window you can filter the style name by inserting characters in the Components edit. The applied filter remains memorized after closing the window.
You can rotate the pieces from the preview area using the Rotate function.
Align to the grain axis
You can align one or more pieces by choosing one of the Align to the grain axis options.
Show/Hide seam allowance
The seam allowance of the pieces from Preview Styles and Components content can be showed or hided by accessing the Show/Hide seam allowance function.
Import piece position from working space
Use this function when wanting to bring the position of the pieces from the working space (canvas) window into the Preview Styles and Components content window.
Export piece position in Canvas
Use this function when wanting to bring the position of the pieces from the the Preview Styles and Components content window into the Canvas (working area of Creative Studio).
Use this function when you want to update all the pieces with all the modifications made in the working area (contour reshaping, adding removing technical elements, etc).