Depending on the operations to be carried out, you may need a preview of the whole model or extreme zooming of a certain piece to better notice small-dimension details.
To do that, you can use the zoom functions from the general bar, as well as a series of function keys.
The zoom functions' features are
Displays the whole model, bringing it to the fore. You can do this by pressing the F5 key.
Decreases the zoom level by one level each time the function is accessed. This can also be done by pressing the F3 key or by using the mouse wheel.
Increases the zoom level by one level each time the function is accessed. This can also be done by pressing the F4 key or by using the mouse wheel.
This function allows you to zoom in a certain area from the model. As soon as the function has been accessed, in order for you to bring a certain area to the fore, you must indicate it by drawing a rectangle with the mouse. Regardless of the zoom level, if the Space key is held pressed, the page can be moved by freely dragging with the mouse.
Regardless of the zoom level, if the Space key is held pressed, the page can be moved by freely dragging with the mouse.