Note!This function needs Linked pieces/ Quality zones license.
In the version without Linked pieces/ Quality zones license, you can create up to three linked pieces/ quality zones in the model.
When opening a model that contains more than three linked pieces/ quality zones, a pop-up will appear with the following message: “You do not have license for Linked Pieces/Quality Zones. If you open the model, only three linked pieces/quality zones will not be deleted” and the model will keep only three linked pieces / quality zones.
To create a quality zone on the pattern, follow these steps: enter the Piece mode, click on the Create quality zone function, select a surface on the pattern to mark the quality zone, and click on the Next button, then select the level of quality in the dropdown menu for that specific zone, and validate the choice.
Note!More info about Quality zone can be found in subchapter Linked pieces/ Quality zones in Add-ons. de pus link