ویدئو شماره 36

Measurement table

The Measurement table contains measured ratios that are required for pattern verifications and are saved in the table.
Any measurement required is added to the table and can be further printed or sent, in PDF format, to another CAD-program user.
The Measurement table window contains the following:

  • Grade, Drop, Spec, Extra – the grading type of the model for which measurements are displayed;
  • Display – All measurements;

                    – Visible measuremes;

All measurements – In the Measurement table and in the Printed measurment table are displayed all the measurements, no matter the status of the option Visible assigned to each measurement. 

Visible – In the Measurement table and in the Printed measurment table are displayed only the measuremetns that have the Visible option checked.

  • Piece name – the name of the piece on which the measurement was made;
  • Name – the name given to the measurement that was carried out;
  • Acronym – short name given to the measurement; it will be used to enter the measurement in the MTM Parametric formulas;
  • Visibile– can have the status checked or unchecked.
    • checked – only the checked measurements will be displayed in the Printed measurement table and the Measurement table in function of the option selected in Display list;
    • unchecked – only the unchecked measurementswill not be displayed in the Printed measurement table and the Measurement table in function of the option selected in Display list;


To print only a couple of measurments from the table, you have to check Visible and from the display list to choose Visible measurements.

  • Column – this ID must be used in the composed measurements formulas;
    Size/Opt. – under this cell is displayed the size set, and on its right side are displayed the measurement options.

The measurements displayed in the table can be:

  • simple – measurement of a segment, section, area, angle;
  • composed – measurement that is carried out in two or more simple-measurement stages.

In the table can be directly displayed the measurements carried out on segments in the following ways:

  • Directly between two points;
  • Offset X;
  • Offset Y;
  • Parallel to GA;
  • Perpendicular to GA.

Can also be displayed information regarding the offset between the sizes.

  • None– no information will be displayed about this type of offset;
  • Offset  the difference between a certain size and the base size;
  • Delta – the difference from one size to the other.

Actions in the Measurement table

Adding a composed measurement:

You can add composed measurements to the table by accessing the Insert composed measurement button, while having a table’s column selected. A new empty column will be entered in front of the selected column.

As soon as the composed measurement column has been selected, on the lower side of the window a field is displayed; enter a formula here.

The accepted formulas are the ones for simple operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), using measurements from the table and/or constants.

Deleting measurements


To delete a measurement, click on Cut selected measurements right after selecting one or more measurements from the table. You can delete measurements by pressing the Delete key.

Inserting deleted measurements

The deleted measurements can be reinserted in the table by clicking on Insert before selected or Insert after selected.

Note!Deleting a simple measurement, used in the formula of the composed measurements, leads to invalidating the result from the composed measurements column; the formula will be deleted.

  • Printing the Measurement table
چاپ جدول اندازه گیری

The measurements existing in the table can be printed by accessing the Print table button.

The following settings can be carried out for the exported file:

– General settings, that cover page format settings: the header displaying manner, the page format and its orientation;  

– Table content, which covers the settings for the manner to display measurements in the table: the measurements arranging manner, the displayed measurements type, information displayed in the table header and the sizes for which measurements are displayed;

– the Logo that will be displayed in the printed Measurement table.   

The Measurement table can be exported in *.pdf format, a format the content of which is not editable, or in  *.html format, which allows you to edit the content. 

  • Exporting *.csv – format measurements

As soon as the Export CSV button has been clicked on, is displayed the window for saving the file to the location of the file on which measurements were made.

When the saving has been completed, at the location indicated in the saving window is to be found the Excelformat file containing the measurements made in Fashion STUDIO.

Displaying the measurements table as columns

The manner to display the measurements in the table can now be customized on the interface.

The measurements can be viewed:

  • as rows;
  • as columns.

To set the manner to display the measurements, fashionstudio.ini is to be used. In ViewDisplayMeasurementsHorizontaly =

the following settings need to be carried out:

  • value 0, to display the measurements in the table, as columns;
  • value 1, to display the measurements in the table, as rows.

The table viewing mode on the interface, with the following setting: DisplayMeasurementsHoryzontaly = 1.

Note!This setting applies, in the measurements table, from Context options only when it is undocked. When docked, the measurements will be displayed as columns.

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شروع به کار

بسته برنزی

آموزش تصویری نرم افزار جمینی نسخه فشن استادیو
3 ماهه
  • شامل 79 ویدئو از فصل اول تا سوم
  • پشتیبانی از طریق چت آنلاین
  • بدون کتاب

بسته نقره‌ای

آموزش تصویری نرم افزار جمینی نسخه فشن استادیو
6 ماهه
  • شامل 153 ویدئو فصل اول تا ششم
  • پشتیبانی از طریق چت آنلاین
  • بدون کتاب

بسته طلایی

آموزش تصویری نرم افزار جمینی نسخه فشن استادیو
  • شامل 212 ویدئو کتاب
  • پشتیبانی از طریق چت آنلاین
  • بدون کتاب
خرید کتاب


کتاب نرم‌افزار الگوسازی جمینی نسخه فشن استادیو
  • قطع رحلی 302 صفحه رنگی با کیفیت عالی
  • پشتیبانی از طریق چت آنلاین
  • بدون بسته آموزش تصویری
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