ویدئو شماره 212

MTM Alterations
MTM Alteration general specifications
  • MTM Alteration – Working mode description

MTM Alteration is a module that aims to alter the patterns built in the standard mode, to be adjusted to the customer’s dimensions. 

Note! This function requires an MTM Alteration license.
In the version without a license, MTM Alteration can be used as in the licensed version (the alteration rules can be added, modified and deleted).
When opening a model that contains alteration rules, a pop-up appears, displaying the following message: “This model has no license for MTM Alterations. If you open the model, all the alteration rules will be deleted!” And all the alteration rules will be, consequently, deleted.

To activate the MTM Alterations module in the model, you have to open the Settings and check MTM Alteration construction:

 MTM Alteration can be found inside the MTM working mode.

When calling MTM Alterations, three tables will be displayed in PUBLISHED DIMENSIONS from the Active zone.

1. Dimensions and measurements

Contains the list of dimensions added in the Edit dimension table and the list of measurements added in the Measurement table.
The dimensions and the measurements can be taken over in formulas by making a click on the dimension or measurement available in the list and selecting the Quick publish button available in the Dimensions and Measurements table:

The measurements are displayed in purple color, the dimensions are displayed in black color.

2. What to publish for the consumer

When a measurement or a dimension is published , it will be visible in the second table, What to publish for the consumer.

The user is allowed in Formula tab to enter an alteration formula:

  • Edit Formula tab on the published dimension or measurement and add a formula;
  • The Formula tab containing the dimension or measurement name, and, in one of the editing fields, will be automatically displayed the acronym of the dimension that was clicked on.
  • Dimensions, constants or any other characters are added all the time where the focus is in the editing field.
  • To validate what was edited, click on ENTER or the dimensions will be validated when you go to another edit within the same type of alteration.

In the table are also displaying the following information:

 – The dimension/measurement value set for the base size;
 –  Minimum range formula with minimum range value for the base size;
 –  Maximum range formula with maximum range value for the base size.

3. What to do with delta

In the third table, What to do with delta, you can add alteration rules.

 1. The list of icons in the alteration table is:

  • Add alteration rule (+)  a step function that adds a new alteration rule;
  • Delete alteration rule (-)  a function that delete the selected alteration rule;
  • Bring forward (⤒) a function that moves the selected alteration rule above one position;
  • Send backward (⤓) – a function that moves the selected alteration rule below one position.

 2.  The Edit table for alteration rules will show up:

  • Delta percentage– a percentage value that will be distributed across certain patterns areas, specified in the Points and sections column, according with the alteration direction set in the Alterate on and Direction column;
  • Alterate on – set one of the alteration options for the selected points or sections;
  • Direction  set one of the alteration directions (XY/-XY/X/-X/Y/-Y) for the selected points or sections;
  • Alteration type  this information regards the alteration rule types:
  • – Move point on X and Y;
  • – Move point on direction;
  • – Change the section length.
  • Points and sections– in this column are displayed the alteration elements of the rules: points and segments/curve sections.

Note! If undocked, it is allowed to be moved to a secondary monitor, and bring it to full screen size.

MTM Alteration functions
  • Create alteration rule – Move point on X and Y

In the alteration table, click the Add alteration rule button, and follow the steps below:
Step 1: Select alteration type Move point on X and Y, from the list:

  • Move point on X and Y;
  • Move point on direction;
  • Change section length.

Step 2: Select points through which you can select the points where the altering rules will apply.
To exit the point selection mode, access the Validation button, which will consequently add a new row of alteration to the alteration rule table.

The newly-added point type alteration rule will contain the following information:

  • Delta percentage (%) – specify the percentage value that will be distributed across certain product areas.
  • Alterate on with the options:
  1.    XY
  2.  -XY    
  3.     X
  4.   -X  
  5.    Y            
  6.  -Y           
  • Direction with the options:
  1. piece;
  2. element;
  3. worksheet.

 The X and Y directions will be applied to the reference system that is selected in the Direction column:

  1. If the Worksheet reference system is selected, the directions on X and Y will be calculated based on the reference worksheet.
  2. If the Piece reference system is selected, the X and Y directions will be calculated based on the reference system of the piece.
  3. If the Element reference element is selected, the X and Y directions will be calculated according to the element reference system.
  • Alteration type will display:
    • Point.
  • Points and sections column:
  • It will display the Point/points name added in the alteration rules. The point names are separated by comma.
  • Create alteration rule – Move point on direction

The newly-added point type alteration rule will contain the following information:

  • Delta percentage (%) – specify the percentage value that will be distributed across certain product areas.
  • Alterate on with the options:
  1.    XY
  2.  -XY    
  3.     X
  4.   -X  
  5.    Y            
  6.  -Y           
  • Direction with the options:
  1. piece;
  2. element;
  3. worksheet.

 The X and Y directions will be applied to the reference system that is selected in the Direction column:

  1. If the Worksheet reference system is selected, the directions on X and Y will be calculated based on the reference worksheet.
  2. If the Piece reference system is selected, the X and Y directions will be calculated based on the reference system of the piece.
  3. If the Element reference element is selected, the X and Y directions will be calculated according to the element reference system.
  • Alteration type will display:
    • Point.
  • Points and sections column:
  • It will display the Point/points name added in the alteration rules. The point names are separated by comma.
  • Create alteration rule – Move point on direction

The newly-added Point on direction alteration rule will display the following information:

  • Delta percentage (%) – specify the percentage value that will be distributed across certain product areas.
  • Alterate on –disable;
  • Direction, with the following options:
    • Direct;
    • Move with offset X;
    • Move with offset Y;
    • Parallel with grain axis;
    • Perpendicular on grain axis.
  • Alteration type: Move point on direction.
  • Points and sections– displays the name of the point selected in the alteration rule.
  • Create alteration rule – Change section length

In the alteration table, click on the Add alteration rule button, and follow the steps below:

Step1: For the alteration type, select Change section length;

Steps 2 and 3: select the end points that belong to the section that you wish to alter.
To exit the section selection mode, click on the Validation button, which will consequently add a new row of alteration to the altering rule editing table.

The newly-added section type alteration rule will contain the following information:

  • Delta percentage (%) – specify the percentage value that will be distributed across certain product areas.
  • Alterate on with the options:
    • Horizontal;
    • Vertical;
    • Tangent;
    • Diagonal.
  • Direction with the options:
    • Horizontal:
      • Move first point horizontally;
      • Move second point horizontally;
      • Move both points horizontally;
    • Vertical:
      • Move first point vertically;
      • Move second point vertically;
      • Move both points vertically;
    • Tangent:
      • Bezier;
      • Inflate;
      • Move first point tangent;
      • Move second point tangent;
      • Move both points tangent;
    • Diagonal:
      • Move first point diagonal;
      • Move second point diagonal;
      • Move both points diagonals.
  • Alteration type:  Change section length/Point.
  • Points and sections:
    • The names of the points belonging to a selected section will be displayed: first, is the first point name from the selected section, then, all the other intermediate points from the selected section, and the last one will be the name of the end point of the selection section;
    • The points in the section will be separated by the “_” symbol;
    • The sections will be separated by the “,” symbol.

Depending on the alteration direction, the points belonging to the section will change along the selected section at one of the end points or at both end points.
If the Inflate option is selected, the curve belonging to the selected section will be resized until it reaches the value of the alteration formula.

The information in the Points and sections column is updated when:

  • the name of the point is changed;
  • the main point used in the alteration rule is transformed into a curve point;
  • the main point used in the alteration rule has been deleted;
  • the piece containing the point used in the alteration rule has been deleted.

If the rule only contains the point transformed from a main point into a curve point or deleted, the alteration rule will be deleted from the table.
When carrying out these updates, you will be informed through a notification displayed in the Information and notification area: “This point(s) action will update the alteration rules”.

MTM Alteration general functionalities
  •  Apply alteration on the model

The alterations will be applied by uploading customized information of to the individual customer.
The Bespoke customer information can be accessed by selecting the client name in the Bespoke table from the Activity zone.
Bespoke information will be able to be applied individually to the client in the MTM and Measurement working mode.
Accessing the alteration for a client implies the following MTM preview actions:

  • The base size will change;
  • The alteration rules will apply;
  • Replace texts on artworks;
  • Artwork will be replaced;
  • A style of the model will be viewed for the selected customer.
  •  Interacting with Bespoke in Measurement working mode

In the Measurement working mode can be performed measurements for the patterns geometry of which was changed by applying alterations when is selected a client.
In the Measurement mode will be selected the Bespoke client from the Bespoke panel:


After performing the measurement and adding it to the Measurement table from the General toolbar, in the title bar of the measurement table will be displayed the name and the base size of the selected client.

Moreover, in Measurement working mode may be used all the other functions used for checking the contour dimensions, such as Marry by 2 pointsMarry by 1 point and Walking pieces.

Note!When is selected a Bespoke client and is selected a working mode other than alteration, will be deselected the Bespoke client.

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بسته برنزی

آموزش تصویری نرم افزار جمینی نسخه فشن استادیو
3 ماهه
  • شامل 79 ویدئو از فصل اول تا سوم
  • پشتیبانی از طریق چت آنلاین
  • بدون کتاب

بسته نقره‌ای

آموزش تصویری نرم افزار جمینی نسخه فشن استادیو
6 ماهه
  • شامل 153 ویدئو فصل اول تا ششم
  • پشتیبانی از طریق چت آنلاین
  • بدون کتاب

بسته طلایی

آموزش تصویری نرم افزار جمینی نسخه فشن استادیو
  • شامل 212 ویدئو کتاب
  • پشتیبانی از طریق چت آنلاین
  • بدون کتاب
خرید کتاب


کتاب نرم‌افزار الگوسازی جمینی نسخه فشن استادیو
  • قطع رحلی 302 صفحه رنگی با کیفیت عالی
  • پشتیبانی از طریق چت آنلاین
  • بدون بسته آموزش تصویری
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