You can grade a section’s length to obtain new dimensions for its grading. Access the Grade section length function, from the Grading working mode’s specific function bar.
It is a four-step function:
Step1: Select first point;
Step 2: Select second point;
Step 3: Select direction;
Step 4: Edit section.
Here, you can find all the options available to modify the selected section’s length and shape. Enter values in one of the table’s columns: Length, Offset, Step, and validate by clicking on Enter; then, opt for the mode for operating the section’s modification. By clicking on Validate, the length of the section’s grading is modified according to the values entered, and the shape modifies according to the mode opted for. By clicking on Cancel, the values from the table are reset to default.
Length – the selected section’s length;
Offset – the difference of the section’s length to the base size’s length;
Step – the difference of the section’s length to the previous/next size’s length.
Given that there is a wide array of possibilities to change a section’s shape, next to entering the above-mentioned parameters, you have to also opt for a shape-modifying manner. Thus, you can opt for:
fixing the two end points of the section, and for resizing it;
moving one of the end points horizontally, vertically, diagonally or in the direction of the reference point’s tangent;
moving both reference points horizontally, vertically, diagonally or in the direction of the reference point’s tangents;