Use the Edit size set function to create a new size set or to edit the opened model’s already-existing size set. To create a size set, first access Edit size set, click on the Generate button to open the Generate size set window, and then input the size names in the corresponding size type field, with spaces between them. You can use 4 different types of gradings: GRADE, DROP, SPECIAL and EXTRA. Once the sizes are input, click on the Generate button of the Generate size set window to obtain the desired size set.
From the Edit size set window, you can Load and Save a size set.
Note!The size name cannot contain the following symbols: / \ : * ? ” < > | and space.
Save size set The window that opens when clicking on Save allows you to browse and opt for the path to save the current size set to. The file containing the size set will be saved in xml format, and has the *.smx extension.
Load size set When clicking on Load, the browse window opens, wherefrom you can load an *.smx file.
Note! When a new size set, different from the one from the model, is loaded, the Sizesetmatching window opens.
After creating the size set, every defined size will be displayed in the Edit size set window, in the corresponding Grading size type column. Every size has an index rendering the size position in the size set, and a name, that can be numerical, alphanumerical or combined. By default, the smallest size from the model is the base size. The model’s base size can be subsequently set from the Activity area – Base size. The size set is the Cartesian product of all generated sizes, and is automatically generated and displayed on the right side of the window. There is a set of buttons for every grading type column, allowing you to add new sizes in the desired position or to delete an existing size. To add a new size, click on one of the arrow buttons.
If one of the existing sizes is selected, the new size will be added right above or below the selected one. The new size will have an index that will position the new size midway between the two sizes where it is added. You can change the index value. The newly-added size will be automatically graded in the model, relative to the new size index and the nearby sizes grading steps. The grading step will be proportional with the size index. The size set will be immediately updated with a new group of sizes, made of all the combinations between the newly-added size and the other existing sizes from the other grading types. You can select any size from each grading group. The selected sizes will be displayed isolated into a separate table, so you can easily apply changes, such as a new alias or a new color.
You’ll mark some sizes as unused by unchecking the size from the Common group. You can bring these sizes into the size set at any time, by setting back the sizes in the Common group, without losing any grading steps that you ever set on the pieces from the model for that size. New grading groups can be added for every size type, separately.
You can specify which sizes, from all sizes, should belong to this group, by checking or unchecking the sizes.
You can set a new name for the new group and you can also delete the new group, if you don’t need it anymore.