In the version without an AutomArt 2Design license, the resources can be placed on pieces, you being able to change the artwork properties. When the model is opened on the same dongle where it was created and the AutomArt 2Design license is activated, the artwork remains placed on the pieces, as previously done. If the model is opened on a dongle without AutomArt 2Design license, the artworks will be deleted from the pieces, but are kept on Artwork resource manager. The models with artworks created in Fashion STUDIO without an AutomArt 2Design license can be imported in Nest EXPERT and the marker can be created, but the PDF export is disabled.
This function allows you to place and split an artwork on more pieces from a model. As soon as the function has been accessed, complete these steps:
Step 1: Select the artwork;
Step 2: Select the pieces to apply artwork on;
Step 3: Set position for the artwork.
Due to this function, the artwork can be simultaneously placed on more pieces, the origin being the resource positioned on the piece used as reference. A resource placed using this function will have the shared feature displayed in its properties area.
You will be able to edit the shared resource from any of the pieces on which it was placed, and the modifications carried out (modifications undertaken to the grading ratios, resizing, rotating, repositioning) will be also taken over by the other resources placed through this function. In Context options, for this type of artwork, will be displayed the list of pieces on which the resource is shared in the Pieces with shared resources area.
The sharing of a resource on a piece can be canceled through a click on the icon in front of the piece name from the Pieces with shared resources list.
Note!More info can be found in subchapter AutomArt2 Design in Add-ons.